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Showing posts from 2014

No News is Good News

It's been over a year since I have posted here, and truly, no news is good news. I have had two rounds of blood tests with normal results. Plain old boring. I'm a fan of boring when it comes to thyroid cancer. September is the next time I am to check in with Dr. W. What this means? An appointment for him to do a physical examination of my neck, and he will provide an order for blood tests. Dr. W has decided to "semi-retire," which apparently means he only sees patients two days a week now. I'm glad the "semi-" is attached to his retired status as I just found him two years ago, and he is the only endocrinologist with which I am comfortable. Of note, he only sees patients with thyroid cancer whereas "regular" endos see all sorts of patients, mainly those with thyroid diagnoses such as Hashimoto's or diabetes. For me, this has made a huge difference. So that's the incredibly boring update. After thyroid cancer three times in four ye...