I have had three surgeries to remove thyroid cancer from my neck in four years. For the third time in four years, I have stabbing pains in my neck after surgery. "It's a good thing. It's the nerves growing back and regenerating." This is what the surgeon said when I asked about it the first time. This information still does not prepare you for the first time you feel that stabbing pain in your neck, as if someone took the tip of a knive and stabbed you just enough for you to feel it. So I should be prepared for them this time, right, as sadly I'm an old pro at this thyroid cancer business. I was prepared but still surprised when the stabbing pain returned. Although it is a good thing, it is still a reminder. For me, it is as much of what I have been through as what could be. I can't help but wonder if it is really over or if I am going to continue to be in the 30% sorority/ fraternity of those with recurrent thyroid cancer. More surgeries? Will I get...