The latest and greatest (?) on the beast that is thyroid cancer, best expressed via the letter I sent to my new endocrinologist/thyroid cancer specialist: Dear Dr. W, Thanks for seeing me back in June 2012 and for your follow-up letter indicating that my thyroglobulin (TG) level at that time was 0.5. This was great to hear, that and the news that as a result of the low TG test you felt that I did not need the radioactive iodine treatment at that time. I am enclosing my most recent blood work for your review and records drawn by Dr. Pun . I am concerned that my TG is now 1.3. I understand that it is good that the TG result continues to be below 2.0, but are you concerned at all that it is now in an upward trend? My current questions for you as a result of your letter sent to me and June and this latest TG result: When should I have my blood drawn again? Are you concerned about my latest TG result of 1.3? Does this 1.3 TG result change your mind about radioa...